A downloadable game for Windows

early alpha version of a game where you use a bagel to bat a ball about

wasd to move

shift to sprint

left click to pick up bagel/throw bagel

scroll wheel/q and e to make bagel close and far

ctrl to fastfall

you can also wall jump and if you look down while bagel is close and sprint and jump you can ride the bagel and start flying

to play with someone press host lobby

copy the id to clipboard

message your someone with the id

they put the id in the enter lobby id

click join lobby

wait a couple seconds then click start game

a project born out of my obsession with wanging objects together in the source physics engine and hoping something really cool happens.

also the screenshots are outdated


bagelball alpha v0.1.zip 43 MB

Install instructions

unzip folder. run exe. sorted.


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the meta in 1.1 is gonna be unhealthy, hope the devs patch it soon